



For more than a century, 博彩平台推荐 has transformed lives for many generations. 2021年5月, 博彩平台推荐 formally launched its new strategic plan to ensure that it continues to educate, innovate, 让子孙后代为未来的机遇做好准备. 

以这个战略计划为指导, 博彩平台推荐关注的是自己的未来, prioritizing those actions and investments that are most relevant and accessible for students, 同时为科克校友提供更强大的成功之路. Coker is committed to meeting the changing needs of its students and community.


Ensure our students have every opportunity to gain employment in high-need and forward-thinking industries by building on the liberal arts foundation of Coker.

  • 在学生进行全面学术学习的方式上要与众不同, social, and emotional learning experiences building on a contemporary liberal arts education model.
  • Clearly connect students to the workforce by preparing students with a robust skill set and aligning to market needs.
  • Be responsive and agile by offering alternative educational models to meet market and industry demands.
  • Positively shape students’ personal and professional lives beyond college through learning opportunities that broaden students’ perspectives for problem-solving and curiosity for continued learning and build intentional relationships between students, faculty, mentors, 和社区.
  • Integrate collaborative learning opportunities for all students that extend beyond a traditional classroom experience.

工作环境 & CULTURE

Hire, develop, and support Coker employees to  continuously grow and develop to meet professional industry demands and to do so with  agility and creativity.

  • Intentionally cultivate a work environment where employees are engaged and empowered to lead the way for achieving Coker Excellence.
  • 建立和发展员工体验.
  • 营造公平的工作环境和招聘, develop, recognize, 通过关注员工的多样性来留住员工, experiences, and thought.
  • Extend the Coker cultural experience to be inclusive of all stakeholders including students, employees, alumni, communities, 以及大学合作伙伴.


Collaborate, engage, 并带头推动我们的社区成为宜居之地, work, and learn.

  • Proactively strengthen university and community relationships to create a community that has a lively downtown where citizens want to work, live, learn, shop, and play.
  • 建立一个开放学习、公共影响和创造力的社区空间.
  • Be the leader for collaboratively building a blueprint for citizen-powered change in the community.
  • Attract investments to bring good jobs to the community that benefit students in college and beyond.


Design a contemporary business model to invest and reinvest in  innovative and creative learning experiences that create prosperous learning experiences.

  • Demonstrate a return on dollars invested in students by creating an affordable, high value education.
  • Be vigilant, agile and flexible to grow funding sources and alternative revenue streams that advance and modernize an academic, 情感和社会学习场所.
  • 通过资本投资增加科克捐赠基金和收入流, 公私伙伴关系, 以及创新和拓展的广泛机会.
  • Transform and deploy an operating and service model to build efficiencies and accelerate returns of investments.


随着疫情的蔓延, 经济的不确定性, 招生趋势扰乱了高等教育, 博彩平台推荐致力于积极关注创新, thanks to $5M in funding from two family foundations within the Hartsville area. Coker is preparing a bold $10M plan targeting programmatic innovations and facility improvements at the University.


Be part of our community, as we work together to learn, lead, and inspire.

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